第一回団体交渉の結果: 未払い賃金について(事前に送られた)未払いがないという回答については撤回し謝罪する。未払い賃金についての請求金額を精算し支払う。サービス残業分を精算し支払うことを検討する。
A reasonable amount of bereavement leave for those with family living abroad will be considered. 慶弔休暇の対象となる家族が海外在住ほか遠方の場合、慶弔休暇に加えて、移動に必要な合理的な日数を特別有給休暇として付与することを検討する。
Kaichi Gakuen is a private school that should be following the labor standards law. However, many teachers do not receive overtime pay, and even if they do, it is paid a year later. In some cases, people are paid later than a year or not paid at all. These practices are all violations of the labor standards law. Kaichi Gakuen, as a private school, should be treating its employees the same as private companies. However, they are hiding behind the Act on Special Measures concerning Salaries and Other Conditions for Education Personnel of Public Compulsory Education Schools to cut labor costs. Meanwhile, they continue opening new schools. It’s easy to conclude that the new schools are being built through the unpaid labor exploited from the workers.
We have completed our first union negotiation with Kaichi Gakuen. The rijicho (president) admitted to knowing that he was not complying with the labor standards law and acknowledged that his actions were illegal. He attempted to blame the workers for his failure to pay them, citing that they spend too much time chatting and drinking tea after work. This is not an acceptable reason to withhold the overtime pay that employees are owed. Most teachers do not even get a proper lunch break, as they must deal with students or answer phone calls. Suggesting that chatting or drinking tea is excessive behavior, compared to their own negligence in following the law, is absurd. If this is such a significant issue, it is the administration’s responsibility, yet the workers are the ones being blamed.
Workers are also blamed for wanting a system of substitute and compensatory holidays, which results in overtime pay being delayed for up to a year. The reason workers prefer such a system is, first, they know they won’t be paid for overtime, so using substitute or compensatory holidays is more beneficial. Second, the working hours are too harsh and poorly managed. Kaichi Gakuen has five fewer holidays than the total of two days off per week and national holidays. Additionally, teachers are often asked to come in on their day off for tasks that take only an hour. Many teachers leave due to the poor management of working hours and workload. The school should first focus on improving working hours and workload.
We demand that the rijicho properly manage working hours and workloads, and begin complying with the labor standards law. The education of children will not improve in a school that refuses to recognize lesson preparation or material creation as “work.”
Lastly, through our negotiations, we have also discovered that the school may not be paying the fixed overtime allowance correctly. We will continue investigating this issue.
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